One of the most common things I hear from people when it comes to their Maschine kits and samples, is how do you save them so you can move them between machines or share them with people. This was a huge plus for the mpc pgm format, you could easily create and share kits, companies […]
Library, Sounds, & Browsing
Maschine tutorials covering various aspects of library management, browser usage, as well as the loading of sounds, kits, plugins, and other data.
How to backup the Maschine database
This tutorial shows you how to backup your Maschine database. This is important to do from time to time as it contains all your tags and settings. It’s also something I suggest you do anytime your are about to apply an update to the software. So before you install an update of any kind, save […]
Loading and playing an instrument in maschine
This tutorial shows you how to load and play instruments in maschine. It also shows you how to play melodies from your pads and change the octaves of your pads if you aren’t using a keyboard midi controller. An instrument differs from a kit in the fact that it is usually a melodic sound or […]
How to create and save your own custom kits
This maschine tutorial shows you the basics of how to create and save your own kits. It also shows how to save them properly and tag them in your browser so you don’t have to search for you kits each time you want to use them. This allows you to pull your kits up in […]
Loading a drum kit into Maschine
This tutorial video shows first time users how to load a drum kit into the Maschine sequencer It shows you how to browse for the kit you wish to use and load it so you can start playing live or sequencing it via the step sequencer. Browsing and loading kits or sounds in Maschine is […]
Maschine Tip: Importing your Samples into Maschine Library
This is a basic tutorial video that shows how to import your own samples into the Maschine library. This is one of the many free maschine tutorials available on the site. For instant access to all advanced tutorials, the private members forum, free downloads, and more, join the maschine tutorials membership today. Join Now!!