Hey what’s up MT Family! Hope you’re good.
Just wanted to share a quick tutorial in reference to a question I received on one of the Ableton tutorials, and the question was how to setup the Maschine controller template for MASSIVE so that the knobs control MASSIVE through the DAW.
Now while this was a question specific to Ableton, this tutorial should lead you in the right direction for any DAW in which you want to use the controller template.
*access this tutorial instantly when you join today!
Massive vid was a big help, thanks SJ.
Glad to help!
Works great thanks ! In Ableton you have an option called Takeover Mode, can you also enable this withe the maschine controller so that If a turn a knob the assigned parameters will not change abruptly .. Thanks !!!
Cool, glad to help, haven’t tried the takeover setting myself so not sure, don’t know why it wouldn’t work though, I would imagine it should
Thanks for the info SaintJoe.
no doubt fam
my machine mikro 2 didnt come with a template for massive, how do i get one, i searched and cant find any
They didn’t make one for the mk2 initially, you may want to check in your NI account for any extra downloads
any template for the mk2, why’d they get rid of it from the mk1?
I’m not sure why, there were quite a few more for MK1, they may have some updated ones on the site, I personally don’t really use the templates often, especially with how stuff auto maps inside of Maschine
anyone by any chance can just export their massive template, I know it automaps inside maschine but if I just use it on a midi track inside my DAW I have to midi learn everything and it’s kind of annoying. Rather than make my own template, hoping someone can share theirs, it should be the same for the MK2 with most the knobs.
The MK1 templates can’t be read by the Mk2 controllers, which sucks because I had a lot of templates for mk1 that I can’t use now and I don’t feel like remaking them lol
damn that sucks bad, argh, I guess all I really need is the macro control since other parameters are easier to use with vst interface. I guess i’ll just have to midi learn each time, np though! Wondering how I can utilize instances in Maschine for bass sounds to better my workflow.
Yeah, the only reason I can see why they did that with MK2 is because the plugins automap in Maschine. Guess you could load Massive in Maschine as a plugin if you want lol.