What’s good fam, back with another workflow video on using the iPad as a sound module (or iPhone, iPod) This time I’m sequencing it in Maschine via MIDI
I just got my iRig MIDI adapter so I pulled it out and was messing around with it, decided to turn the camera on and show the workflow. Really it’s just like using any external synth or sound module with Maschine.
Setting up the midi out port on the pad, sequence, resample when you’re done.
I really just want to show the options and creativity available. For those that want more sounds and may not have the budget or just don’t want to deal with hardware, if you have an iOS device put it to use!
These apps are cheap, get you an iRig midi (works with iphone, ipod touch, and ipad) and an audio adapter….now you have another sound module.
We are always talking about the best/newest apps in the forum so check it out. Sound is everywhere, use it! You may not want to spend 100+ on a new vst, but spending 20 bucks or less on a new iOS sound device is a lot easier on the wallet 🙂
It definitely helps me feed my desire for new gear/sounds.
*access this tutorial instantly when you join today!
Dope!! Hey SJ You owe me 1500.00 plus tax…Because I don’t have a Ipad & I don’t have a Ultra Nova… 🙂 And Know you got me wanting them..Man That was Hot!!
LOL you wild son!! You got an iphone though don’t you? Better use that joint son!
True That! But i’m still short the Ultra Nova.LOL!
hahahahahahaha LOL
Very cool man,what instrument apps you have on your ipad? I see Animoog,Sunrizer and….?? That loop you created was very cool!
The flute was from Sampletank
Yup but what others do you have that you didn’t use in the vid?
oh man lol, I have quite a few, tabletop, beatpad, ims20, imaschine, samplewiz, arctic keys, filtatron, alchemy, physynth, sample lab, flstudio, music studio, isequence LOL
Thanks! I new you would and now I can refer to this and look around for somethin somethin! That ims20 looks cool but maybe to much going on there.
yeah, I just treat it as another synth 🙂
They ain’t ready for that. Somebody’s getting mad right now cause they ain’t got an iPad. SJ you gotta ease up a little bit. you gone get riot started with everybody that paid money for those desktop software and hardware synths. LOL.
I’m lmao right now, cause I know people’s mouths are droppin after seeing this. Nice Video Doc.
Hahahahaha lol you know I’m just getting started fam. This thing is so dope, anyone that still dismisses iOS as a viable music tool is missin out
I watched this video again to listen to the beat. My man this beat is going hard. You just put conventional desktop synths on trial for value. If Aria does what I think it’s going to do It’s game over. I don’t think you realize the precedent that’s been set with this video.
Lol thanks fam…iOS is a game changer man, so man sound options. Folks will realize soon what they can do…but if they don’t, I’ll still be rockin this joint lol
When you used Sunrizer, did you use the effects from the app or from the Ultranova or both?
Everything was Sunrizer, straight out the app man! Crazy! LOL…I didn’t have any audio coming from the Nova at all.
I noticed they had new sound banks to download that’s probably what through me off. That particular sound I found but I was wondering did you change the parameters on the preset?
I haven’t downloaded any new soundbanks, I probably fiddled with the knobs a lil bit though lol
Ahh ha!! I knew it. Sunrizer is tight but I didn’t remember that preset LOL. If you haven’t already I’d save it as a preset. That’s a nice sound.
hahahaha lol, man I just be turning knobs and playing, I didn’t save it, only as audio when I sampled it, old school style lol
Dope dope dopes….im addicted to my ipad…wife got hers and i aint had a home cooked meal in a week. Love this vid man..
i don’t have an ipad and any apple stuff lol but i really dig this workflow 🙂 . i have noticed you got a brand new midi keyboard by the way which sound dope lol what brand /model is it ?
Ahahahaha, it’s fun man. I got the novation ultranova synth, love it 🙂
no doubt this joint is sick , this sunriser sound synth is dope is it coming from the ultronava synth and not from an external vst ?
It’s an iPad app, all sounds coming from iPad only drums from maschine
that was awesome
Thank you sir
sick… without having a synth can you play off the iPad or iPhone and record in maschine?
no doubt bro, check this one out 🙂
So this might be a dumb question but I do have my midi keyboard triggering my ipad apps no prob but is it normal that I only hear my ipad synths through my ipad speaker and not through my interface like everything else? I am using irig. It’s not the same doing it via midi like as if i recorded an app synth direct so just asking?
Do you have the iPad audio output plugged into your interface?
Damn you have to run the irig midi as well as the headphone jack out of the ipad? ha ha
You gotta get the audio into your computer too 🙂
Damn no doubt so used to in the box stuff! hahaha!
No doubt man, understood 🙂
New comer to the felid! Man that was icy smooth very nice! I have a ipad and a ipod touch, just got my Maschine not to long ago. I have to say after watching your video, my mind was blown away, I’m please 2 have this new hobby in my life (what a new Love lol)
Man yes! Sound is everywhere. A lot of us spend money on new sounds and plugins and many neglect the tools they already have right there. Any iOS device can become a serious sound module and the apps are so much cheaper than plugins, but sound just as good in many cases, especially the synths. Have fun man, experiment!
Be sure to ask any questions you may have.
Hey Bro havent used this for a bit, do you have both midi cables going back and forth from your iRig to your interface. In to Out, Out to in you know what I mean. I got sound from the iphone and ipad but cant get the midi part to happen, no flashing lite on iRig.
all you really need is midi out from interface to the irig input to trigger it and record it
Nevermind lol!
ha 🙂
Hey St. Joe I’m a bit lost here can you please help me? I have an MPK25 Midi Controller along with my Ipad, Midi Irig, my interface which is Komplete Audio 6, and the Sunrizer loaded up as well. I have everything set up the way you said in the video but somehow I got lost in the mix. Here’s what i have so far… I’m coming out of my Irig in, into my Midi out of my interface, my Irig out, into my Midi in on the back of the Midi controller. Now that’s where I get stumped. I… Read more »
You don’t need the connection between iRig and your midi controller, you can trigger the iPad from the cable connected to your interface. To get audio in, you have to run an audio cable out of your iPad into your ka6 to capture the audio
Hey SJ
I may have worded this wrong sorry. What I meant to ask is getting the sound from Sunrizer to play on my Midi controller, to record into The Maschine sequencer like you did on the video. I have my Irig Midi hooked up the way you said which was Midi in of the Irig, to the Midi out of my Komplete Audio Interface. How is the Midi Controller hooked up in the chain to generate the sound from the IPad to record into The Maschine sequencer?
midi controller is hooked up via usb and turned on as an input inside of Maschine
Hey Saint Joe, I’m still stuck on this 🙁 lol. I have a simile problem to Rick. I have the in of the irig midi to the out of my Komplete Audio 6. I am using Animoog. I see a flicker on Irig midi when I press something on my IPad but thats it. When I change it around: The irig midi out to the KA6 in then I see a light flicker on irigi again and now I can control the piano roll and plugins like fm8 with a piano. Thats cool I guess but thats what I use… Read more »
Midi will not give you audio you need a cable from the headphone out into your ka6 in order to sample the audio.
Make sure the ka6 output is turned on if the iPad is playing your plugins it seems you have the output from the iPad going to the input of your ka6.
All i have for audio capes is a Y Adapter 3.5mm that splits into RCA. I plugged this into my IPAD and the back of KA6 but that didnt work to try and get audio. Then for shits and giggles I tried with a regular headphone cord from my iPad into the front KA6 headphone jack and I got nothing lol I also still can’t get any Midi notes from my IPAD into Maschine. When you say KA6 output are you referring to the Midi in Audio/Midi settings? I have both input and output on for it and the IPAD.… Read more »
Ka6 doesn’t have rca inputs so that won’t work.
Are you trying to play the ipad and record the midi into maschine or play your keyboard and have it trigger the ipad?
If you want to record the midi from the ipad you need the irig midi output connected to the ka6 input
if you want to record midi from maschine you need the irig midi input connected to the ka6 output
in order to hear the audio you have to have whatever input you’re using on the ka6 active in maschine with monitoring turned on
LOL okay so Im getting closer. I didn’t have the monitor button turned on on the KA6 so now I can actually hear the sounds on my big speakers. Whats weird is that Maschine doesnt show audio level in the top right but when I get into sample mode I see the levels there
So now I need to figure out how to get the Audio to show in machine combined with the actual midi notes to be recorded in.
you don’t record them together, you can record your midi then sample the audio
I think I got it….so I managed to get the Audio to show up on Maschine then I just went into the sampling and recordered the audio coming from my IPAD in.
Is it possible to record in my notes live without having to sample it in first? Either way I am definitely excited I finally made it this far lol
Yeah, most of the time that’s how I record, I just sample it in real time same as my other external gear, works fine no midi needed 🙂
I think I might just do it that way too. Seems like less of a hassle. Thanks for the tips. Now I can finally look into download more apps without getting pissed that they didn’t work in Maschine lmao. Gonna be a late or very early morning!
No doubt fam!
I’m missing the very basic thing of what you do inside the SOFTWARE so that MAschine (software) knows that sound 1 will be coming from iPad, and that it’s midi … ?
What are you trying to do? Play the ipad into Maschine or play the iPad from Maschine? Either way, you just need to turn on the proper MIDI input/output inside of the MIDI settings in Maschine so it can send/receive to whatever interface you have the iPad hooked up to.
I want to sequence an iPad app inside of maschine
I want to sequence an iPad app inside of maschine. Here’s what I have – I have my axiom 49 through USB to my computer.
I have midi out cable OUT of KA6 and into the midi in on irigmidi.
Then what?
Then you do what I do here, open a pad, set the midi out to the ka6 on whatever channel you’re using, and set whatever app you are using to receive from the irig midi, then you can sequence it.
2 things: The midi light is flashing on KA6 for midi in, but not midi out when im playing my keyboard. maschine isn’t on im just trying to get the inputs/outputs right
Do you have your keyboard connected to the ka6? If so, that’s why it is flashing, but if you want to route in maschine you need to open maschine and set it up in there.
Any chance of seeing a video (or explanation) showing all the various routings/connections ? This is very confusing.
There isn’t anything specific to the iPad about this setup the MIDI routing will be the same for any external device. You are not going to get any activity until you open Maschine and make sure midi OUT for the ka6 is turned on. Then you set a midi out channel for the pad you want to play on. Once you do that it will work, but it’s not going to trigger anything unless you have an app open that is set to listen to the iRig midi for it’s input, each app should be setup in it’s own settings.… Read more »
Yes keyboard is connected to ka6 and out of ka6 is irig midi. But I don’t see irig light when playing keys on keyboard.
Are you low on usb ports? Any reason you have it connected to the ka6 instead of directly to the computer? It doesn’t matter either way just asking.
I used midi bc i didn’t know if I could use USB that goes to the computer and then have that come “out” of KA6. I guess you can! But I still am unclear as to how to set a midi out for the pad i want to play on.
but right now I got new issues 🙂 I bought studio monitors (Rokit 5) and there is an AWFUL hum coming out of them, even if volume is all the way down
To set a midi out, go to the output tab of a sound, and set it’s output in the midi section
Joe, you are too good to me. 🙂 Once I god willing resolve my cable/hum issue, I’m on this … Thanks again 🙂
Cool 🙂
Hey Fam I know what the Irig midi is for but what is the adapter cable for to get sound out of the i pad ???
Yeah adapter is for audio out of ipad
Thanks fam Went to g center to get an irig but they was out till this friday 🙁
Dang! No doubt fam
I’m sorry, I STILL can’t get this to work. Is there any way you can make a video that shows all of the inputs/outputs and shows you changing the settings on maschine/iPad synth/etc?
Is my keyboard controller supposed to be hooked into the KA6 via midi or can it be through USB to computer (as it is now) … So many questions – can you please help?! 🙂
Your keyboard doesn’t matter, Usb is fine. Do you want to send midi from the iPad or from maschine to the iPad.
I guess that’s part of my confusion.
First, I’m nt even sure what it means to send midi to the iPad, or better put, for what propose?
Right now let’s say I just want to record sunrizer from iPad into maschine, wanting it to record re midi and audio.
I only said midi because you did. How do you plan to play Sunrizer? If from your keyboard them you need a midi connection between the iPad and your computer, if just audio then you just set it to sample while you play from your ipad.
And how do I get a midi connection between iPad and computer WIRED using irig pro? how do I get maschine to “see” that??
Go to a pad, set the midi output on the pad to use the ka6, you should be able to trigger your app as long as you have midi input turned on in the apps settings.
Just realized something – irig pro only has “midi in” not midi out. Is that an issue?
Only if you want to play the ipad as a midi controller.
ok, so irig pro midi in goes to iPad. midi out goes to midi connector on KA6. I have KA6 midi turned on as input in maschine … What else?
What exactly are you trying to do? You’ve never made it clear so we are just going in circles. I can’t help if you don’t know exactly what you want to do. Do you want to play FROM the iPad or TO the ipad? Are you going to be playing the screen of the ipad to trigger your synths and record the audio output into Maschine as a sample or are you trying to play your keyboard to trigger the synth app running on the ipad so you have the midi notes inside of Maschine? You don’t need midi IN… Read more »
Part of the problem is I don’t exactly know what questions to ask … Generally, I’d like to use my iOS apps in conjunction with MAschine. It seems that you had the midi (and audio separately) from sunrizer going into maschine. This is what I’d like to do. From what you described above, I want to “play your keyboard to trigger the synth app running on the ipad so you have the midi notes inside of Maschine?” But ideally, I’d play my axiom which will trigger the synth app running on iPad which will then in turn have the midi… Read more »
I watched the external midi gear video … It seems like I want (in maschine) to have a sound and then link KA6 midi to it … And on the iPad app, link the app to irig … But I still am not recording the midi notes
Your connections should be:
1. Ka6 midi OUT to iRig midi IN
2. Set the sound/pad midi OUTPUT setting to use the ka6 which is going to your ipad app
3. In your ipad app set the midi input to be from the iRig
Ok, but what should I do in the settings to hear the sound? i do have a cable as you suggest from iPad to KA6 (for audio)
Set the sampler to that input and turn on monitoring, or, set an input on a specific pad to that input so you can hear it. Eventually you will want to sample it so I find it quicker to just do it in the sampler personally.
Ok, so THIS is where the issue is apparently. … How can I both record midi and set it to sampling at the same time? Again, clearly I’m missing something 🙂
Also, I’m not sure about what you mean about “eventually you will want to sample it. and you find it quicker” … quicker than what?
You have no need to record midi AND audio at the same time, there’s no point. You can record midi then play it back to sample audio, or you can play it via MIDI and sample the audio in realtime. If you just want to record the midi first, do exactly as I do in the video. Set a pad in the group to have input from the input you have the iPad plugged up to, set that same pad or another one’s output to your midi interface that’s going to the ipad, record your midi notes. Once you have… Read more »
I GOT IT!!! 🙂
The issue was setting the sound input midi channel to my “regular” keyboard:

Now that I got that, a few last questions that will “clean it all up”
1) After I did that, I loaded omnisphere on 2nd sound (the way I’d normally do), and when I played the notes, it recorded on both pad 1 and pad 2 … ?
2) If I want to export the sunrizer audio out of maschine, do I ALWAYS have to sample it first to another pad? It seems the answer is yes.
You don’t have to set the midi input on that pad, it will use your keyboard by default, setting the midi input makes that pad ALWAYS receive midi from the same keyboard, so even if you go to another pad and play another sound/plugin, it will still record on the first one because you set that midi input up. You don’t need it, when that pad is active your keyboard should play it, including whatever you’re sending midi to.
Yes you have to sample the ipad, there is no other way to have the audio in Maschine.
Seriously, this is amazing. Whole new world … Thank you so much Joe!!!!!!
Do you find a loss in audio quality bc you’re going from headphone jack (to get audio)?
I really appreciate all of your responses on this. I’m spent! ;0
Nope, I use my traktor 10 as the output for my ipad, but I have no problem using the headphone jack either, used it for ages lol.
Ok now that I figured that out — is there a way for maschine to go the other way?
In other words, let’s say I have an iPad effects app. I want to send a group from Maschine to it — is that possible?
Only if you have the routing to do so, which would take probably something like an iRig running as in insert device or an auido interface hooked up to the ipad as well as the ability to route out and back into your own interface.
Ha. I’ll leave that one for now … Enough other stuff to learn .. Thanks Joe! 🙂
LOL, no problem man 🙂
Back again, please help.
I hadn’t done this in a long time – I just connected my iPad out to the rig pro. The connector is in the rig pro that goes to the midi output of KA6.
I am running iMini on iPad and have the midi connected to ‘iRig Pro’
But I’m not seeing ANY midi lights on the KA6.
on maschine, this is what it looks like, which is correct, right?
Midi out from ka6 to midi in of irig pro, you may also need to set the midi channel in the app you’re trying to trigger.
I got it working. Sorry — if I could delete I would!
Joe, Ok, after a few hours I am so close to audio bliss … (ha) I have the focusrite iDock … iPad is connected to it. Out of it, I have a MEO connector. The midi IN is going to the midi OUT of KA6. my arturia keyboard controller is plugged into computer out of sound 1 on maschine, I have the output midi selected as KA6. When I play the arturia (using iMini iPad app), I hear the audio out of my computer. I also see the midi notes in maschine. But when I try and sample the sound,… Read more »
What is a MEO connector? Doesn’t the iTrack have audio outputs? Do you have that output connected to your ka6 inputs? If so, are you sampling from those inputs?
it has a USB connector and two midi connectors.
yes, the audio ouputs on track go into my mixer, which goes back into KA6. I figured out which stereo input the sampling is, so I’m getting the audio now.
only issue is that the input levels are very low (1/3 to 1/4 of way to max). Is that a bad thing?
You can raise the output of your mixer channel, or normalize it after you sample it.
Raising volume in mixer doesn’t work, because then it’s SUPER loud
Not sure what to tell you, that’s the point of the mixer I would imagine, it allows you to control the volume. I don’t see how it can go from low to way to loud, there should be some middle ground 🙂
volume wise yes, but in terms of input levels in maschine, not really …
Not quite sure what the difference is, but if you say it’s too loud then you can try normalizing after or adjusting output in the app or at the idock.