Yo MT Fam, this is part 2 of the NI True School Maschine expansion exploration series
This video shows off all the instrument sounds included.
Just want you to know exactly what you get….
I think I may do this for all Maschine expansions from now on 🙂
I go through all the keys, synths, basses, strings, everything.
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Its helpful man. I checked out the george duke shit on your soundsandgear.com review before I picked it up. This one was pretty cheap and with a free t-shirt so I copped it right off the bat.
**Dont forget to add your t-shirt people and enter the contest everyday. Someone from mt needs to win something
Word fam, just wanna help the fam!
Oh and yeah….I want all them shirts man lol. gotta have em.
Sweet!!! Drums and synth sounds are great!
Yeah man, nice stuff 🙂
Yea, can’t go wrong with Native Instruments.
Yes indeed!!
Thanks for taking the time to go through this expansion as you have. I was considering using my voucher on Dark Pressure but this might just change my mind.
Cool man, I need to do some more for the fam, Flux does some good ones on youtube though, going through the expansions, look him up, he’s done each one of the expansions so far