In this quick tutorial in the Maschine FX series I’m going over the factory compressor module. The main point of this series is to make sure you are familiar with the controls of all of the factory effects modules that come with Maschine.
Knowing what tools you have and their controls can help you when you may need to tweak a sound or idea and don’t feel like loading a plugin to do the job. Maschine doesn’t have the best factory effects and there are many third party effects that people choose to use instead, but you can use them creatively to get good results, it’s all about becoming familiar with them and their functions.
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I’d love more theory on this one, Fam. Could there be a few drawings on some paper to show me what turning the knobs does to the sound? Some knobs turning make no difference and I can the SJ knows this so he turns another button to make the first adjustments matter. What kind of settings are used to compress a single sound, a synth tha get’s resonating wild, a complete drumkit (as a group) and the full master? That would make this video GOLD.
What each setting does to the sound will vary from sound to sound depending on the existing dynamics of the original sounds. Not every parameter will have a huge impact on a sound but when used in relation to other parameters the effect will change the sound. By resonating a synth I’m assuming you mean the pumping sound which is acheived by sidechaining, this is not currently possible in maschine. What settings you use on a group or master isn’t a standard thing it depends on what you’re Don to the sound and the sounds itself. This is why I… Read more »
‘The basic idea of a compressor is to bring all the dynamic peaks in an audio source to the same average level which can cause it to sound fuller or louder. However you can also push it to a point where it kills the dynamic range and squashes the signal for more of a creative effect.’ Following on from this point – you can also use a compressor to either accentuate, or de-emphasise the attack and decay phases of a sound – depending on how the attack and release settings of your compressor are set. If you can find it,… Read more »
Yep I agree, I even showed a bit of the attack emphasis and attenuation in the video. Transient master is basically a specialized compressor.
I love the producers manual I did a review on it and I highly suggest everyone own a copy. It really breaks all these concepts down in a way that’s beyond the scope of maschine.
(don’t worry – compression is notoriously one of the hardest concepts for producers to grasp. While I understand the concepts – I’m still getting used to how it all works in practice)
Good luck!
Yes indeed, like most effects it’s really good to experiment with it on different sounds to really learn it, that’s what I’m trying to encourage with this series. I want the fam to experiment and learn their own way of using these effects within their own productions.