Hey what’s good fam?
This is a follow-up video to the one I did on recording MIDI in realtime from Maschine 2 into Ableton Live 9
I received some questions in regards to how to set this up for recording keyboard mode.
So if you’re playing an instrument from the pads and you want to capture the MIDI live into the DAW, this is how you set it up.
It’s pretty similar once you understand the routing there’s a just a few key things you must do differently.
Of course if you have any questions feel free to ask!
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Hey Joe, I guess that if I wanted to, I could have one midi group set up like this for keyboard mode, and another group set up with “Sounds to midi notes” for using drum kits? As long as I don’t get my midi channels confused, this should work, right?
Yep, you have 16 midi channels in total you can use, well, 15 but you get the point
You can use as many as you want as long as they are responding to different channels.
I just gave that a try, and it works perfectly. Actually, what I did was transfer all of the midi from a track I did entirely in Maschine to Live. I didn’t set up the initial midi groups, but I still used what you said, and everything is working fine. Thanks Joe.
hey man, i can’t believe it but i think i found how to have ableton catch my snare rolls or any sample tuneups that i do in a group… i’m send yah a video just cuz it’s quicker for you to see if that’s ok…
Yeah you should definitely be able to capture those in Ableton, I’ll peep your video.
video got trimmed but still shows up ok…
Glad you got it working man! Don’t worry if it looks “healthy”
If you found a way that works for you that’s what’s important and that’s the main goal here, we want to help you find the best way to do the things YOU want to do!
Good stuff man!
thanks bro!
i’m so new at this that i don’t even know what at times i want to make it easier on me, but gradually growing… appreciate it!
That’s all the process man
Hey Saint Joe, nice video. Question, is there anyway I can play my MIDI keyboard and have it record into ableton live 9 while playing an instrument I have loaded into Maschine? Basically the same exact setup you have here, except instead of playing my notes into the pads I’d be playing into the keyboard. Not sure if its possible. Thanks bro.
Yeah, on the midi track leave the input to all or set it to your midi keyboard and set the output to the machine track.
YOOOOO Thank you man. I’m gonna try out a new workflow based on this video and the other related on for drums, where I record into Ableton but still use Maschine to browse for sounds. I’m like a little kid right now lol
Hahahaha no doubt fam glad to help.
How would you setup/route maschine to ableton if you had a project in ableton where you had a combination of sounds that used the keyboard mode and other parts of the project where you want to trigger midi from maschine 2 into ableton? Would it be possible to have to maschine vsts one running keyboard running concurrently, with one using the keyboard routing and the other routed to trigger drum kits or samples, without the hardware bugging out or freezing?
NVm @kb420 post resolved my question! Thanks
No problem
Im using the setup where I have a midi host group and everything works great until I need keyboard mode… when I play the note regularly its fine but when I switch back to the midi host group so I can record the note is very very short and staccato. Do you know what this problem may be?
You don’t actually need the midi host group anymore
But for keyboard mode, you need to set the single pad to respond to it’s own midi channel and send out on it’s own midi channel instead of a single note.
it plays the notes… it just plays them very short. as if there was an extremely fast decay on them. So imagine when I’m on lets say group C with a piano and I hit a key it goes “dinnnggggg when I switch back to midi host to record it plays the notes but there are very short like “din”. And I’m still using the Midi Host because my ableton template has had it setup that way for a long time now.
I would try to set it up without using the midi host, just 1 pad at a time, see if it works. Not sure what else would cause it to not record the full notes.
Hey man, Thanks for these videos. I actually just joined because I need to figure out how to do this very thing. But with the update that just came out, things don’t seem to be layed out the same, and I’m new and lost. I’m hoping you can help me out. All I’m trying to do is this: I have battery chosen inside maschine VST. I have one of my own kits loaded and mapped so I have the kit as a “sound”. I play the kit in keyboard mode. Now I’m just trying to figure out how to record… Read more »
It should work exactly like in this vid, make sure you have that pad’s midi output set to “host”, and have it’s input set to whatever channel you’re sending back to the plugin. In Ableton make sure on your MIDI/external instrument track you have chosen the Maschine plugin track is the input and the Maschine track as the output on the channel you set the pad’s input to.
I figured it out and made a quick little vid on the process. it’s a little different than how you did it-some of the layout is different on 2.3. There are a couple extra steps that you do that aren’t needed anymore I guess. Check it out:
Yeah, this one was before the 2.1 update, where you needed a separate midi group (still don’t know why they did that in 2.0), but the concept is the same. I did do an extra step by giving the pad it’s own MIDI input channel, this would allow you to do this across multiple pads and not just the one currently in focus. Either way, glad you got it working
I probably should have updated this one when they released 2.1, I do so many I forgot about the extra steps required when 2.0 first came out, I was… Read more »
Right on. I’m excited to get deeper into this! Thanks for all your work!
No problem man, glad to help! I got some questions about using chord/arp mode in this way, so that’ll be a good follow-up to this one.
Hello! I can’t find the maschine option on the second drop down menu (I’m using live 9 with maschine 2.7.6). There’s only a pre and post fader option, any idea how to fix this? Thanks a lot!!
If you don’t see Maschine, it means you have the AU loaded, which doesn’t send MIDI output. You have to make sure you load the VST version of the plugin for it to work.
hello! Thanks for the advice! I set it to VST and found it! However, I have a new problem now:
Under your Input>Group>MIDI selection, you have the tabs “active, channel root note,” whereas mine shows the tabs “key mode, source, channel, start note, thru”
Under your Input>sound>midi selection, you have the tabs “active, channel,” whereas mine shows the tabs “key mode, source, channel, start note, thru.”
Is there something I’ve done wrong again?
Also, while I’m at it, is there any quick way to change these output and input settings back to default? Thanks again!
You’ll want to check the link below for setup with the newer version of Maschine. https://maschinetutorials.com/maschine-2-7-recording-midi-kits-ableton-live-10/
Thanks for the link! I need to record in keyboard mode though, is there anything that I need to do that is different from the video? (aside from setting sound to midi channel)
Make the proper settings on the individual pad and not the whole group if you want to use keyboard mode
And also, is it possible to loop a pattern in Maschine that’s shorter than one bar? thanks~
To have a smaller pattern, set your arrange grid to “off” I did a video to show it https://maschinetutorials.com/how-to-create-custom-pattern-lengths-in-maschine/
Also, here’s a link to using 2.7 in Live 10, process should be the same for Live just looks different in Maschine due to the updates.
Is it possible to record automation in abelton using the MK3 controller when you have midi entered this way?
Automation would have to be done in Live, so you could put Maschine in controller mode and map it to the parameters you want to record.
Thanks so much, do you have a video that would help with that?
Basically you want to put Maschine in MIDI mode, then in Live click the MIDI button at the top right which lets you choose what you want to control. You’d hit a control and turn a knob on Maschine.
This may help if you want to automate Maschine parameters. https://maschinetutorials.com/maschine-2-0-how-to-automate-maschine-parameters-in-your-daw-ableton-live-9/
HI Joe,..I’m trying to do what you explain here (i.e. record keyboard midi into Live ) but for maschine 2.7. Of course the Ui is different. Do you have an updated version of this anywhere? I’m experimenting but haven’t figured it out yet. Any tips?
Hey Craig, the interface has changed but the workflow is still the same. Basically instead of turning on input for the whole group, you just give the individual instrument it’s own MIDI channel. This one may help, even though it’s not in Live https://maschinetutorials.com/using-maschine-2-3-chord-mode-in-bitwig-studio/
Thanks so much Joe! i compared both vids and experimented and got it working!
Dope bro, glad to help!
This works well when I have just one sound loaded on Pad 1. However when I have a drumkit loaded with 16 sounds and go intokeyboard mode the sounds kind of double so I hera both the sound from Pad1 and all other sounds on each pad when i play them. Double sounds in other words. How do I fix this?
This is not suggested if you’re wanting to trigger a full group. Basically, you’re going to want to set whatever pad you do this on to it’s own MIDI channel, and you do not want to have the group itself responding to MIDI at the same time. My suggestion is any pads you want to record/receive keyboard mode from, should be in their own group. And that group itself should not be set to receive MIDI input, only the specific pads you’re using should have their own MIDI channel assigned to them.