Hey what’s good fam?
Got a quick overview video of the new 2.1 update for Maschine, a lot of things that the long time users were missing have been brought back.
Mainly seems to be aimed at workflow fixes and stability, there are some new features though, including updates in the drum synth
The update includes:
- Play quantize option, where notes played live on the pads are quantized in real time.
- Mix page on Maschine and Maschine MK2 controllers. This page has been expanded and now provides access to group and sound level and pan settings.
- Controlling software views from the navigate page on Maschine / MK2 and Maschine Studio controllers.
- MIDI batch setup
- New Grit Kick module and “performance mode” for shaker module.
- Metronome can be activated together with recording.
- Scenes can be selected / triggered via MIDI input when Maschine is running standalone.
- Loading the first plug-in on an empty sound updates the name of that sound to the plug-in name.
- Undocked NI plug-in windows can be pinned to remain active when not in focus.
- Browser performance improvements. Quick browse
- Alt+Drag for copying and pasting of single elements (patterns, scenes, plug-ins) in the Groups / Sounds lists and the plug-in chain.
- Sounds accessible on pads on sample recording screen
- Numerous bug fixes, as well as performance and stability improvements.
You can go download it now from service center
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Of course if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Awesome video explaining the new features. Only thing I didn’t catch was the part when you had the 4 bar drum pattern and erased some of it quickly, saying “you weren’t feeling that part.” Not quite sure what you did or what the new feature is involved??
Check it again closely and you’ll see I’m holding erase and the group button, and I explain that it allows you to erase the entire pattern in realtime as long as you hold those two buttons down.
As a poter on FB said, I didn’t even realize maschine kept track of record history … I’d love to see how you use this in terms of workflow
I really don’t use it but it can be useful depending on what you’re doing https://maschinetutorials.com/using-the-sample-record-and-sample-history-tab-in-maschine-2-0/
Thanks as always!
No problem!
On top of things as always bro, I’m still trying to figure out the midi sequencing into Logic with Knocks, I think there’s an issue with MKI midi routing
Hmmm, wonder what the issue could be.
Nice improvements… especially the group erase. That will help with creating custom drops in your sequences a lot easier. Would’ve liked the plugin rack to go back horizontal like in 1.8. Mono tracks on individual sounds is SO critical for mixing purposes. We have the mixer but not the proper sound source for critical mixing. Good job on the overview!!!
I feel you fam, seems this was more about fixing the workflow that was changed and not so much about adding a lot of new features…. even though we got a few nice ones
I’m sure they will continue to develops the routing though
Nice overview!
After updating the same project i was working with the 2.06 is really cracking and the already heavy cpu is much worst now.That came with the update,project can not even perform its like everything out of place…any idea how to fix that?
Check your audio buffer settings and make sure everything is right, you may need to raise it up, I didn’t notice any changes in performance on this end but depending on what type of plugins and such it could happen. I would say raise the audio buffer setting a little bit.
I updated to 2.1. As standalone it works great. As a plugin in cubase it’s a mess… First of all, after i upgraded to Machine 2.0 (and then 2.0.6), it seems like there it didn’t create a maschine 2 .dll in the folder with all its other native instrument friends. It did, however, change the .dll file within the cubase plugin folder. When i stand on it with my mouse it says 2.0.6, and that’s after i updated to 2.1. So in standalone mode it’s working in 2.1 version, and in cubase it’s working on 2.0.6. Moreover, as i said,… Read more »
Sounds like you didn’t point the installer to the same location so it didn’t put the dll over the old one, check in your NI folder for the plugin or your other default vst locations. The issue with the projects probably has to do with 32 bit vs 64 bit, if you have any plugins in the project that don’t match up with the bit you are working in Cubase it will not load.
Hi. It’s not that it didn’t put the new over the old one. The old ones (1.8) has vanished from the two 32 & 64 VSTPlugins folders, inside the NI folder on my Program files folder. However, the .dll i did find is of maschine 2.0.6, inside the vst’s folder in cubase. Other than that – i just don’t seem to succeed in tracking down the 2.1 dll files. So, in stand alone mode it opens up in the 2.1 version. In cubase it opens up as 2.0.6, does not load older projects (in 1.8 format), and another thing i… Read more »
Hmmm, 2.1 shouldn’t have any impact on 1.8 files at all in terms of the plugin, as for the dll, the only thing I can suggest is reinstalling the update and when it gives you the option for plugin location make sure to take note of it and point it to the same location you have the current one. For the view, you can change it in the view option in the drop down menu from small, to medium, to large.
Thanks saintjoe! I’ve re installed the update and this time it works properly. The problem was that the installation wizard doesn’t have the “vst plugin” checked automatically as it did on previous updates, so it only updated the standalone but didn’t create .dll in the vst folder. But i have another problem. Not sure if it’s a problem or just “how it is”, but in all my cubase projects, now that i have the 2.1 dll, it shows maschine as missing. I load maschine 2 and everything’s ok. But it seems like i have to do this for each and… Read more »
The projects will not automatically use version 2 as it is a separate program than 1.8
It’s not an update of 1.8 is really another version, like kontakt 4 and 5. You’ll need to keep 1.8 around for those projects or manually update them all unfortunately.
What do you mean by “luke kontakt”?
Like, my phone auto corrected it.
So, I have a question concerning scenes and patterns and I’m not sure of the best place to ask this. If I have a bass line that is 4 bars long in a scene and a drum pattern that is only 2 bars longs, is it possible to have 2 different 2-bar drum patterns in the same scene? Can I set it up so that the 2-bar drum pattern only plays during the second half of that same 4-bar scene?
Only one pattern per group in a scene, to do what you want, you’d have to make a new 4 bar pattern and copy the data from the 2 bar patterns into it.
That’s what I thought/assumed, but it came up in a discussion with another Maschinist and I thought I’d ask.
Hopefully that changes in the future.
hey saint joe! great video!
wasn’t the group midi batch sounds to midi notes installed in 2.0? what’s the difference in 2.1? thanks!