Hey what’s good fam!
This is a follow up to the tutorial I did on automating your fx on and off with patterns.
I got some questions about using different types of fx that were a bit more character driven in that anytime you put them on a sound it changes it drastically.
There’s still a way to automate them on and off, and in this video I show how to set it up so you have more control over the wet and dry signal for automation.
There are many ways to route and automate in Maschine, just stay creative and experiment.
Of course if you have questions feel free to ask!
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does this apply to sw vers. 1.8
Yeah you can do the same thing in 1.8
can u help me? send me a private message, I’m trying to use automation in my jam to record live using the perform mode and it won’t let me
You need to be holding the autowrite button or press shift+auto to lock automation mode then move the knobs/faders you wish to automate.
thanks but sounds easier said than done. I’m still trying can u email me jdenterprises03@gmail.com i can send u a video of the daw and maybe u can tell me what i am doing wrong
Make sure if you don’t press shift+auto that you’re holding the auto button while turning the knobs you want to automate.
ok cool i think i finally got it have to press auto and shift while recording u mean
i think someone should do a video on this for the ones who don’t know
thanks for your help
Yeah, if you press shift+auto it “locks” it so you don’t have to hold down the auto button manually. If you quickly want to automate you can just press+hold auto and then turn the other knob or parameters you want to automate.
Right on
Do you eq in maschine or in after exporting audio, in a daw?
That would be your choice, sometimes I do both.
Hi, I think there is a problem from your website because I don’t see any videos on this page.
Please try it again. Thanks
It works thanks!