As you know I’ve been working on getting some of the Kore soundpack libraries into Maschine format and today we got Urban Arsenal 2 ready for you
This collection of presets will let you browse, load, tweak, and morph the entire preset collection from Urban Arsenal 2 directly in Maschine using the hardware or software controls.
Each of the 236 presets from the original library are tagged according to their specific category, and have the 8 macro knobs as well as the x/y controller mapped for instant tweaking.
Right now I’m continuing to focus on translating the Kore packs that didn’t get ported into the Komplete 8 synths.
I am still busy saving and mapping other libraries from the Kore pack collection which is now discontinued.
Download the file via the link below:
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Thanks for the early Christmas present SJ!
No doubt fam, more to come!
SJ, are you serious man. Are you Machine or man.
About do some investigating, but in the mean time this is much appreciated.
Hahahaha, Russ do you have Kore 2 or Kore player? Let me know, I plan to go back and do them for Kore Player as well, just want to wait for the final 64 bit update to Kore Player.
Just the player!!
Ahh snap, ok lol…lemme get to work brotha lol
This is so great Saint Joe!!! I just got back from vacation and saw these 🙂 What will you be porting next? Any plans for Sonic fiction, animated circuits or north india?
Sonic Fiction is on the list, as is Paranormal Spectrums 🙂 Will have a look at Northern India for some reason I thought this was Kontakt Player instrument….maybe I’m thinking of Balanese Gamelan….I got so many LOL. I don’t believe I have animated circuits, I’ll have to check!
Thanks man… Totally looking forward to it 🙂
I do have Animated Circuits AND North India 🙂
So it’s on the list now too!
Can any one help me configure my set up new at the dj thing I have two cdj 900’s denon dnmc 6000 and the maschine and the traktor audio 10 trying to run every thing together so that I have sound from the maschine and the cdj
This really isn’t related to this post, would probably be better asked in the forum.
Tracktor 10 usb to your computer, set maschine to use it as an interface in it’s preferences, cdjs to your mixer and hook the the outputs of the ta10 into the mixer as well. Monitor hooked up to your mixer outputs.
If you don’t have a mixer, it’s probably a good idea to get one. You can also hook the cdj units up to your ta10 and hook your monitors to the ta10 output.
hi i own kore 2 but urban arsenal is discontinued now and have wanted this for ages, do you no where i can get them from?
Sorry I do not, this is only for those that already own it and want to use it directly in Maschine’s browser.