Hey what’s good fam! It’s been a while since I did a workflow video for ya, so I just turned on the camera as I was messing with some new sounds.
The idea behind these is just to see the process putting together a track, sometimes you pick up little tips and tricks from things others do that are just habits for them.
This is just a really basic idea of how I work, get the idea down and put together a really basic sequence for the track.
If you got any questions let me know!
*see this tutorial instantly when you join today!
has a NIN/ Chris Vrenna feel. Awesome stuff
nice man, thanks for checking it out, hopefully it sparks some ideas or different ways to look at creating in Maschine
I like what you did there man! I can see these vids being very helpful to many!
Cool man, we get asked a lot for these type of videos too, will try to do more
They’re fun to watch man. Thx!
no problem bro!
Dope sounds you got there going on fam!
thanks for checking it out fam!
Good stuff Joe – you are right – I think a lot of people find these types of videos really helpful. This was kinda good to watch – you actually do pretty much what I do when I work in Maschine! I don’t suppose you would be planning on doing a longer workflow video, that maybe builds into a finished track over a series of videos? Just something that starts right at the start with selecting your drums and sounds, and would finish on some mixing? While I’m starting to develop my own methods and workflows, I think such a… Read more »
Yes I will be doing a multi part series soon exactly like that
Dope vid Joe. I love workflow vids
thanks bruh
Thanks – watching this vid gave me a new perspective on work flow. Great help Joe.
cool man, that’s why I do these types, just to show some different ways of working
Events not initiated? How do you turn them off, and how did you duplicate synth so quick?
I’m not sure what you mean about the events but you can duplicate the pads by pressing duplicate, hitting the pad you want to copy, then the pad you want to copy to.
Hi SaintJoe Great video! Are you going to make some videos,showing how to make ambient/cinematic ,music,in the near future,like the idea processes,workflow,fx,mixing etc. I am quite new to Maschine and Native Instruments,( a few months) and have a Machine Mikro,so learning all kinds of things to use in my ambient music,via your great website When I am making my ambient music I tend to write stuff down for ideas,and then pick n choose sounds,like you do I got Heavyocity Evovle and love it ( do you have this?) This Library is great for all things cinematic,ambient,creepy etc.ha,ha.Huge choice of sounds,drums,fx… Read more »
Thanks for watching. I don’t know if I will do more, I rarely do videos like that because I feel the process is so personal and changes from one track to another that I try to focus on helping people understand the tool so they can find their own creative workflow. But you never know, I may do some more
I have Evolve, and lots of other cinematic/ambient stuff, love it. I’ve done reviews on a bunch of that stuff on my other site soundsandgear.com